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  • Asmita Biswas

The Business Of Fashion Stylists In India

In the big business of fashion stylists, scrutinizing the delicate balance between artistic ingenuity and the pragmatic pursuit of financial success.

Tanya Ghavri

Photo: Stylist Tanya Ghavri at Paris Fashion Week'23

Over the past decade, the evolution of fashion styling as a bona fide profession in India has been nothing short of remarkable. Pioneers like Anaita Shroff Adajania and Rhea Kapoor paved the way for an industry that has now become a thriving centre of creativity, with names like Tanya Ghavri, Shaleena Nathani, Ami Patel, and Priyanka Kapadia shaping the narrative of style in the country.

The Ascendancy Of Stylists In India

From the humble beginnings, where the role of a fashion stylist was virtually unheard of, to the present, where it has grown into a fiercely competitive industry, the journey has been both transformative and challenging. The initial cohort of stylists, primarily tethered to the film industry, laid the foundation for what is now a sprawling landscape that extends far beyond the silver screen.

One cannot undermine the impact of visionaries like Anaita Shroff Adajania and Rhea Kapoor, who not only demonstrated the potential of this profession but also mentored a generation of stylists, unlocking a plethora of opportunities. The shift from being confined to film sets to collaborating for red carpet appearances, magazine shoots, brand endorsements, and more, marked a turning point in the trajectory of fashion styling in India.

The Challenges Stylists Face Today

However, as the demand for the services of stylists escalated, so did the challenges. The industry, now brimming with talent, grapples with cutthroat competition, forcing stylists to not only showcase their flair for fashion but also to navigate through a crowded market. The struggle is evident, with emerging stylists contending with the need to establish credibility and cultivate a distinctive style that sets them apart in a saturated landscape.

One of the pressing challenges faced by fashion stylists in India is the management of tight budgets. The glamour associated with their profession often overshadows the financial constraints stylists encounter while orchestrating a visually stunning ensemble. The delicate balance between artistic expression and financial prudence is a tightrope walk that requires finesse and strategic decision-making.

Moreover, the rapid evolution of fashion trends adds another layer of complexity to the industry. Staying ahead of the curve in an environment where trends shift at an almost breakneck speed demands perpetual vigilance and adaptability. For stylists, the challenge is not only to keep up with these trends but also to anticipate and influence them, ensuring their work remains relevant and captivating.

While the business of fashion stylists in India has undoubtedly flourished, it is not without its hurdles. The glamour and glitz that surround this profession often obscure the hard-hitting realities faced by stylists – intense competition, stringent budgets, and the perpetual need to evolve with changing fashion dynamics. As the industry continues to soar, the resilience and creativity of stylists will undoubtedly be put to the test, shaping the future of fashion in India.


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